A Picture Is Worth... 2100% ROI
In this week’s Round Table, just returning from a week-long getaway in the South Pacific, recharged and ready to go with a dry new phone, Tate shares how easy it was to step away from the business and unplug—partially due to the fact that he took his phone swimming in the warm waters off of Aitutaki, but unplugged nonetheless because as he explains, there are no land emergencies.
We also welcome coaching student, Jeannie Morem to the group today. Jeannie shares how she found The Land Geek program then purchased the toolkit with her husband Kurt, but it wasn’t until attending the Bootcamp in Scottsdale that it all came together. Since attending Bootcamp, Jeannie and Kurt have signed up for coaching which leads us into the discussion—why are people afraid to invest in coaching?
Everyone gives their take on it and shares the value they received from coaching.
Plus, Cynthia gives us the scoop on an incredible deal she posted about in the Mastermind Group this week, where the property she was considering appeared to be so undesirable that she considered passing on it but ended up giving a take-it-or-leave-it offer that the seller took and it ended up being her most popular property to date.
Everyone shares their take on it and why there are “a lot of levels of lessons” in her deal.
Listen in for the details and why a picture can be worth a 2100% ROI!