How to Never Work Again with Erlend Bakke
In today’s episode of Coffee Talk with The LandGeek, Mark and Erlend talk about his book Never Work Again. This book was on Erlend’s Vision Board for many years because he believed that writing a book would position him as an expert in outsourcing.
Now that Erlend has written Never Work Again, he plans on writing a bestseller that will make it to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Amazon. Mark and Erlend also talk about contacting many influencers and if just one of them expresses interest in the book, then it would be easier to market Erlend’s new book.
Erlend talks about the process of writing a book. He says it’s a project that takes a lot of time and investment but it helps you do some serious soul searching. A major point of the book is saving time and enjoying life through outsourcing. They talk about fulfillment, achieving your goals, and lizard brains, monkey brains, and the higher brain. Finally, they talk about the Flow and how people who are able to achieve this become the best at what they do.
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