Invest in Land: Make More Money
Want to know why now as opposed to in the future is going to make you money? Simple. Supply and demand. When I started selling online there were about 1200 land listings on eBay. That was 10 years ago. At the market peak in 2006 there were about 3000 listings. Today, there are about 750. Demand has diminished considerably and as a result prices have plummeted below 50% or more than what they were. Land sellers are exiting the market as their land doesn't have enough value for them to sell it. Nothing else has changed with the land just the fact that if people don't "need" it now they don't want to spend money on it. I'm the same way. I used to spend money unconsciously from meals during the week to high-priced gadgets I thought were cool Those days are long gone. We budget. We plan. If it has nothing to do with our survival or our kids happiness we make a note of it and think well that would be nice to have one day.
Land is a commodity that unlike everything else will always last. My kids and their kids and their kids will own and enjoy my land investments one day. They won't even recognize my first generation iPad. The question to ask are, "Am buying at the right price?" "Will I or my kids make money on this investment one day?" "Will we enjoy it beyond it's material investment?" Given today's prices and the low demand for land now is the time to jump in with both feet. It's hard to see now, but one day land investments will be scarce and the prices will rise again as people will always have a lust for something they can touch and experience besides a or savings bond. Plus, as the urban centers continue to grow more congested and less friendly, people will always have a yearning for a simpler homestead away from the noise, pollution and societal ills. And they will pay dearly for it.
I know its self-serving being a land seller to urge you if you're on the fence now to acquire land, but I'm doing it myself and for my family now because I know the prices are just too good to pass up.
Mark Podolsky (The Land Geek) has been investing in property for over 11 years. He is the owner of Frontier Properties and can be found at Call him directly with your land questions at 800-428-3760 or email him at [email protected] .