The Roadmap To Time Freedom—Destination Passive Income

On today’s show, we talk with Sylvie McCracken who helps hard-working health professionals harness their drive and take back the wheel to get more out of their practice and their life.
Listen in as Sylvie talks about how a nutrition blog is what led to her coaching health care professionals find a better avenue than trading hours for money, leaving a life of solo-economic dependency in the rear view mirror!
Find out the details behind:
- The lawyer approach to time management
- Time prioritization
- Categorizing where your time goes
- What makes a good coach and why you need to lean on them
Sylvie also walks us through a case study where she slowly phased one nutritionist out of the one-on-one client interaction to become a stay at home mom making 30K a month reaching more people through a combination of writing of e-book and a group coaching program.
And, so much more on today’s episode of The Art of Passive Income!