Solo 401k Loan Infographics: A financial resource in need
The United States of America is a land of small business owners; 28.8 million according to a 2016 SBA report. Small businesses are among the major job providers in the economy, employing 56.8 million people throughout different sectors. However, much like any other industry, they have their fair share of problems and finding the required financing is one of them. According to a survey conducted by the NSBA, as many as 27% of the small businesses didn’t get the financing they needed in 2015.
In some of the cases, the level of financing required is easily achievable through small financing solutions, including a credit card or short-term loan. However, these financing methods do charge a higher interest rate. A Solo 401k loan could be a solution for temporary credit requirements. Our team has put together a small Infographic highlighting some of the key parameters of a Solo 401k loan.
Tell us how you find the necessary financing for your small business! We’ll be happy to answer your questions.