How the Rise in Interest Rates Could Impact Your Commercial Real Estate Project
Tuesday, October 15
Today's 10 Yr. Treasury Rate is 2.70%. One year ago, last summer the rate was 1.66%. Do you need proof of its ascending trend? Click here:^TNX+Basic+Chart&t=1y The 10 Yr. Treasury Rate dictates where mortgage rates are heading. I don't have a cr...
Your Goal is to be a Successful Multifamily R.E. Investor. Find Out How to Start
Wednesday, August 14
Yogi Berra is said to have said: "You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there." I believe this to be true especially in the world of real estate investing. There's a great deal of misconception that...
The Greatest Transfer Of Wealth Ever
Sunday, November 04
A vast number of people think that what we’ve been through during the last four years is just another episode in the economic crises history of the United States. They believe a president has the power to continue the trend or reverse it. So they put their faith in the next presidential ele...
My Warning to Women: Get Your Questions Answered Before the Crisis Hits
Tuesday, October 09
In the United States, women outlive men by at least four years. In most cases, wives are several years younger than their husbands are. Combining these two statistical facts, we reach an inevitable conclusion: today’s wives are likely to spend more than half a decade as widows. The reality o...
Why You Must Get Out of Your Adjustable Mortgage Today
Friday, September 28
I don’t have a crystal ball but I follow the fundamentals and the market is screaming to get out of your adjustable mortgage if you have one as soon as possible. Here is why. The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which banks lend their excess reserves to other banks which don’t me...
The Three Requisites For A Real Estate Recovery
Friday, September 21
If your life revolves around real estate you’re probably wondering when will the real estate market bounce back. And even if you’re not directly involved in real estate you’re most likely wondering when will you be able to sell your property for a price above your loan balance. So, if you’re l...