Everything You Need to Know About Real Estate Agents
The longer I work as a Dallas real estate broker, the more I understand that my profession must do a better job of educating the public about real estate agents and brokers. It seems that few home buyers and sellers really understand how real estate agents work, who pays us and why they do the things that they do. If you ask what the public knows you will hear many myths.
Because Plano real estate agents can make or break your transaction you owe it yourself and to your financial benefit to understand how agents work. You should know the difference between Realtors and real estate agents. Should you use an agent or would you be better off doing it yourself? Which type of real estate brokerage firm is best for you? Should you sign with a buyer broker agreement? Should you go to open houses and call other agents if another agent is e-mailing you home listings? How are real estate agents paid and who pays them? Do you know the different types of available listing agreements? Find out these answers before you start looking for an agent to represent you.
Finding and Hiring Real Estate Agents
I know an agent that was hired to sell a $750k house simply because he was standing in the street, wearing his name badge and talking on his cell. The seller hollered at me from his porch and said, "you look like a real estate agent. I need to sell my house!" This speaks volumes about agents, doesn't it? He was lucky because this agent knew how to price his home but another agent may not have been so knowledgeable. What few agents will acknowledge is the fact that more than half of the transactions they get are because they were in the right place at the right time. Not because they are experienced or competent. A great way to find an experienced agent is to Google Dallas real estate careers.
Working With Real Estate Agents
Can you call your real estate agent at 9:00pm? How about at 6:00am? Can you work with more than one agent at a time? Can you get into if you sign multiple purchase agreements through different agents? If a listing agent shows you a home, can you call your agent friend to write an offer and represent you? What can you do if you are not happy or your agent doesn't meet your expectations? Can you get fire them? Can you but a home directly from a we buy houses companies without representation?
Real Estate Commissions - How They Are Paid
How agents get paid and is their commission negotiable are the two most asked questions from home buyers and sellers. It's not that complicated but it sure seems that way on the surface. What makes an agent worth all of that money? What do they do to deserve those six figure incomes? Does the amount of the commission depend on whether the it's a buyers or sellers market? Is it possible to get maximum exposure for your home with a limited service agent? You owe it to yourself to get answers to these questions so you can have a successful real estate transaction.