Dallas Short Sales and the Effect on Your Credit Score

A seller who wants to buy another home after foreclosure will need to wait about up to 72 months before they can qualify for another mortgage. · Short Sale
The good news is a short sale will allow you to obtain a mortgage in about two years. Unlike with a foreclosure, always negotiate with your lender a release of liability when doing a short sale. This means that the lender will take the money it receives from the short sale as payment in full. This means they won’t be able to come after you for a deficiency judgment and lien you bank accounts and salary. FHA adopted guidelines in 2010 that say a seller who is current and does a short sale may qualify to immediately buy another home. Lenders aren't so quick to follow those guidelines. Fannie Mae guidelines allow a seller to immediately apply for a new loan to buy another home if that seller kept the payments current, had no delinquencies exceeding 30 days and did not agree to repay the debt relief. Moreover, it's the late payments that dramatically affect your credit report, not the short sale.Foreclosure or Short Sale – The DecisionIf you are trying to decide whether to let your home go through foreclosure or selling it via short sale due your due diligence, speak with a professional Realtor how specializes and seek legal and account advice. There are other advantages to a Dallas short sale over a foreclosure.