Selling a Plano Home With Pets
Everybody loves pets, right? Well, most people do except a homebuyer who is looking to buy your Plano house for sale. Home sellers who adore their pets have a hard time seeing the negativity others may harbor against pets. You may not be happy with this but if you want to get the most money for your house, you should pay attention to how much money you may lose with a dog, cat or other pet in your home while you are trying to sell it. Why Some Home Buyers May Not Like Your Pet? · Pets make some people uncomfortable and nervous. · Fear. Both real and imagined. · Inexperience. Pets are unpredictable. · Your pets aren't their pets. They imagine that yours may bite or jump on them.Pet Solutions The best thing to do to ensure that you get top dollar for your home is to relocate all of your pets while your home is on the market. Putting them in the back yard, in the garage or in another room that you keep locked is not enough. Remove them from the house. · Let a friend or relative care for them. · Board them at a kennel. Overcoming Negatives Associated with Your Pets If you, for whatever reason, can’t remove your pets from the house, then you can at least minimize their negative impact on the marketing of your home: · Litter Boxes: Keep them out of sight and keep them clean and fresh. Nothing turns off buyers faster than the smell of cat waste. · Carpet & Floor Pet Stains: Hire a professional to remove any stains in the flooring. Buyers will spot them immediately. If the stains can't be removed, then replace it. · Pet Odors and Smells:1. Cat urine is the worst. 2. Do not use air fresheners. All that does is add another smell to your home.Remove All Signs of a Pet In some areas, you may be required to disclose that pets have lived in your home, but you don't need to advertise that pets live at your house. Removing all signs that you have a pet is the best practice. As you know, it's those first impressions that are the most important. · Remove photos of pets from refrigerator, walls and table tops · Seal up doggy doors· Put away food and water bowls when not in use · Vacuum every day · Pick up your pets toys · Put away all cages, carriers, etc.Showing Your Plano Home Put your pets into a carrier and attach a warning note informing buyers not to bother them. The last thing you want is somebody sticking their hand inside the carrier and getting bit or scratched. You can't predict how your pet will react when locked up and provoked by a stranger. Even though the market remains strong, you need every marking advantage available to you. Many potential buyers will look at a few prior to viewing your home and a clean smelling home will catch their attention as soon as they walk through your doorway. It is always best to retain the services of a professional to show you the best way to market your home to get the highest possible price in the shortest amount of time.