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Dallas home buyers who want a great deal in real estate invariably think about buying a foreclosure home. Buyers always seem to have a picture in their mind of a nice little house, with a white picket fence that has been owned by a little old lady who has fallen on hard times, but this usually is far from the reality of it all. Why Do Dallas Homeowners End Up in Foreclosure?Home owners stop making their payments for a many reasons. Some to go into foreclosure voluntarily which is often caused by one of the following: ·Not being able o work due to medical conditions ·Laid-off, fired or quit job ·Uncontrollable excessive debt and mounting bill obligations ·Divorce or death of owners of .·Job transfer relocation to another state Negotiating Directly with Sellers in ForeclosurePeople who buy foreclosure homes many times prefer to purchase these homes before the foreclosure auction is final. Before approaching a seller in distress, consider this: 1.Almost every state allows for some period of redemption after a . This means that the seller has a right during a certain prescribed period of time to cure the default, including paying all foreclosure costs, all of the back interest and principal payments, to regain ownership of the home.2.Foreclosure proceedings vary in different states. In the states where mortgages are used, home owners can end up staying in the property for almost a year; whereas, in states where deeds of trust are used, a seller generally has less than three months before the trustee's sale. 3.Many states also require that buyers give sellers certain disclosures regarding the purchase. Failure to provide such notices can result in fines, lawsuits or even revocation of sale. 4.Determine whether you're the type of person who can take advantage of a homeowners misfortune under these types of circumstances and possible put a family out on the street. Others will feel compassion and make themselves into believing they are helping the home owners avoid further embarrassment. Buying a Home at the Trustee's / Foreclosures SaleCheck with your local county government office to find out how foreclosure sales in your area are handled, but common among many of these types of auctions are: ·Sealed/Closed bids ·No loan contingencies ·Proof of financial qualifications, Approved mortgage letter or proof of funds. ·Sizeable earnest money deposits at the time of the auction.·Purchase property "as is", no repairs to be made by the seller.Many times buyers are not allowed to inspect the house before they make an offer. The challenge with buying a house sight unseen is you can't determine how much it will cost to make repairs t0 bring it up to living standards. You also don’t know if the occupants will retaliate and destroy the property.You may find yourself in the position of evicting the tenant or owner from the property after you get the title, and eviction processes can be timely and costly.