DFW Real Estate Bubble?
For a long time now we have been hearing about a real estate bubble and the burst of that bubble. This bursting of the bubble theory is in reaction to the substantial increases in home values in many areas of the county, has recently grown into almost a full-blown paranoia, largely fed by the media and talking heads news reporters. This thought of the “bursting” of the real estate bubble seems to be based on not much more than the collective fear that real estate values throughout the country may, at any time “fall off the cliff”. However, there seems to be no rationale reasoning that supports this fear; just that prices are too high and can’t go any higher. Was there ever a bubble in the DFW real estate market? As we know now there actually was a national real estate bubble but was there a bubble in the Market? There is no indication that there ever was a DFW Real Estate bubble. That’s why we are not experiencing a “bust” in the DFW Real Estate Market. Why? Because of a number of factual, economic-based realities about the DFW Real Estate market keeps the Metroplex as one of the strongest and most sought after metropolitan areas to live in the country. Take a look at any web site that gives you access to the . In the DFW MLS you can see that there are now more houses on the market and these houses are staying on the market a little longer but the reality is that the prices of DFW homes has held relatively steady and have actually increased in some areas. If these DFW homes are in good condition and price correctly they will still sell in a relatively short amount of time. The DFW Metroplex consistently ranks high among the best places to live in the Western United States. DFW Real Estate has maintained its value over the past several years, while many other markets around the country have struggled. Ask any and they will describe the DFW Real Estate market as Calm and Steady, “Steady as She Goes”. Calmer heads have always prevailed in the DFW area and we should expect the same in the future. For a long time now we have been hearing about a real estate bubble and the burst of that bubble. This bursting of the bubble theory is in reaction to the substantial increases in home values in many areas of the county, has recently grown into almost a full-blown paranoia, largely fed by the media and talking heads news reporters. This thought of the “bursting” of the real estate bubble seems to be based on not much more than the collective fear that real estate values throughout the country may, at any time “fall off the cliff”. However, there seems to be no rationale reasoning that supports this fear; just that prices are too high and can’t go any higher. Was there ever a bubble in the DFW real estate market? As we know now there actually was a national real estate bubble but was there a bubble in the <a href="http://www.viprealtyplatinum.com/">DFW Real Estate</a> Market? There is no indication that there ever was a DFW Real Estate bubble. That’s why we are not experiencing a “bust” in the DFW Real Estate Market. Why? Because of a number of factual, economic-based realities about the DFW Real Estate market keeps the Metroplex as one of the strongest and most sought after metropolitan areas to live in the country. Take a look at any web site that gives you access to the <a href="http://www.viprealtyplatinum.com/idx/?select_county=Collin">DFW MLS</a>. In the DFW MLS you can see that there are now more houses on the market and these houses are staying on the market a little longer but the reality is that the prices of DFW homes has held relatively steady and have actually increased in some areas. If these DFW homes are in good condition and price correctly they will still sell in a relatively short amount of time. The DFW Metroplex consistently ranks high among the best places to live in the Western United States. DFW Real Estate has maintained its value over the past several years, while many other markets around the country have struggled. Ask any <a href="http://www.viprealtyplatinum.com/aboutus.php">DFW Realtor</a> and they will describe the DFW Real Estate market as Calm and Steady, “Steady as She Goes”. Calmer heads have always prevailed in the DFW area and we should expect the same in the future.