First redemption 2012
Saturday, May 12
Well the check for the first lien redemption came the other week. The owner of the mixed commercial/apartment building paid off his tax lien in April. I bought the certificate in February and it was for 2 years of taxes. Made $52.06 in interest on a $5,206.47. Kind of makes the calculatio...
Florida Sub account elimination in Tax Lien Auctions
Monday, March 26
Recently, several Florida counties announced they are eliminating the use of “Subaccounts” in the annual tax lien certificate auction. I have seen several posts on various websites – including my own posts – that tout this as a win for the individual investor and it should “level the playing...
Video on my AZ analysis for 2012
Sunday, March 11
My last 2 blog posts I showed the properties behind the liens I went after and also explained my thought process. I created a screen capture video (link below) where I explain again what I did and show my spreadsheets that helped me win the certificates this year. In 2011 I went after the...
Arizona Analysis - what I did & why
Wednesday, February 22
Picture this, you go to bid on a tax lien certificate. You see there are 7,165 other bids. Do you bid? Most people would think "I don't have a chance!" The way you bid is that you choose a round number between 0% and 16%. You're bidding the lowest interest rate you would accept for the cer...
Analyzing Arizona
Friday, February 17
I'll start this series of articles on my recent Arizona online tax lien auction results by focusing on the friends I mentored to their first tax lien purchase experience. So these poor workmates have heard me talk about tax liens for the last couple of years. Once I found that Arizona had t...
Tax lien bid strategy - mentoring friends
Sunday, February 12
I've mentioned my own checklist for investing in Arizona tax liens in the online auctions. I've talked about why I like online auctions versus in-person bidding auctions, and I've talked about looking at past year's results to scope the competition and set my bid strategy. This year my frie...