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Posted over 15 years ago

Try a new angle to sell your listings

In a market like this, everyone is feeling the pain of listings that sit....and sit.....and sit.  Owners are pulling their homes off the market in record numbers.  The papers are talking about the declining inventory as a sign things are getting better.  I'm not so sure.  We see  more and more people throwing their hands up in frustration and pulling their listings.

Are there buyers out there?  Yes there are.  We had two remodeled homes sell in the first day within the past few months.  But buyers are picky; they want perfection, a steal, or both.

Value-builders has been operating our shared profit remodel services in Denver since 2004.  We have helped owners with more than 70 homes.  We have seen that good remodels at a fair price sell in any market, and that is good news.

Our company pays all the costs to remodel homes, then shares the profit when the property sells.  We work with investors, homeowners, and banks, so we see what is happening out there.

Further, with 401k's looking more 201k's, there are more and more people looking to diversify their investments by adding real estate.

We need investors!  If you are interested in making money on a fix and flip but don't want to do the work, contact us and we can put you on a list.  Here is how it works:  You buy the house and pay the mortgage and utilities.  We manage and pay for the remodel.  You share the profits without having to lift a finger.  

Familiarize yourself with Value-builders, and you just might make a little more money this year!

This is our introductory blog so you know more about us.  In the future we will share less about us, and more about the  market and what we are seeing.

