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Posted over 15 years ago

Networking For Success

Hello…my name is Ross Treakle and I want to welcome you to my blog!

I am an internet marketer with a keen interest in real estate investing. While I am involved in real estate, I do not consider myself an expert on real estate investment. I actually consider myself to be someone who is good at bringing the experts out and getting them to shed light on their respective areas of expertise.

Through my blog I hope to bring you stories from my own experiences and business journeys which will hopefully provide you with some entertainment as well as some good ole fashioned education.

Today I would like to share a story with you about a meeting I had last week. I had the good fortune to meet with someone who has made some serious cash in his lifetime through the internet and many other business ventures. He is a friend of a friend, and I was more than excited when we started to make plans to meet.

I went to his office which is just a few blocks away from where I live and we started chatting. We talked about what I was doing in my business and then we talked about his business ventures. We ended up talking about business for about an hour but it was not until the end of the conversation when I finally was able to seize the opportunity that I was looking for.

He brought up his real estate investments and mentioned that he had a house for sale. The house had been on the market for a few months and he was looking for a solution.

I tossed out the idea of doing a Lease Purchase. I explained the details of how to make it work and then I let him know that I would follow up with some additional info and resources to help him find a solution to his nagging problem, an empty property!

There are three main reasons why I wanted to share this story with you…

1. Never pass up an opportunity to meet with someone in your community. Regardless of whom they are or where they are from, who you know is just as important as what you know.

I wanted to meet this person because I found him intriguing because he himself had started many successful businesses. I knew that he was someone that if I am able to build a good relationship with, he might be willing to help me. Whether that is business advice, of which I got plenty or maybe he will possibly be someone I turn to help secure financing for a future investment. I really do not know, but it is a fundamental business lesson that you need to follow. Always be on the look out for networking opportunities!

Which brings me to my next reason for sharing this story…

2. When you are meeting new people, never ask them for direct help with something you are working on unless you cannot avoid doing so. I have always built relationships by doing something for the other person first voluntarily, and then down the road if they can help me, then I will ask.

If by passing on the Lease Purchase info I am able to help him get a warm body into the house within a few weeks, I would say without a doubt he will be more willing to help me in the future. Compare that to asking someone who you do not know to do something for you…I think the results are obvious!


3. I want to share with you the excellent advice that I was able to share with my new business friend. I have put together an awesome class with my good friend Andy Heller on the art of Lease Purchase. There is a very specific method to having quality Lease Purchase tenants who will not be a pain in the butt and Andy shares with us his 20+ years of experience in the class.

Check It Out!!!

~ Ross Treakle

P.S. I hope you enjoyed my very first blog post. I hope to make posts to this blog 4 or 5 times a week so please bookmark the page and come back. And of course, let your friends know about the site as well. Over the next couple of weeks we will make the blog a little prettier so do not let the “Plain Jane” current feel deter you from coming back!
