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Posted about 15 years ago

Getting Motivated

What motivates a real estate agent to work hard? Money, Fame, Hours, Help People, the Channenge.  I have been a real estate agents since 1986. I consider myself a highly motivated person. My mantra is to work hard and play hard. I work with people who are also highly motivated. Why do something if you are not going to put a 100% plus time and effort into it.

For some people it's easy being a realtor since you are not accountable to anyone but yourself. Is this a good thing? NO, why would you want to be in business for yourself but not work hard to succeed. It makes no sence to me. You set yourself up for failure. It does cost money to be a real estate agent whether you sell or not. So why not get motivated to sell.

First off you have to treat real estate as a career not a job. Job's you work 8 to 5, Monday thru Friday with weekends and holidays off. Not many real estate agents would succeed working these hours. A career is something you put your heart and soul into. You are building your business. Yes, it is a business and to be successful you must put your time and effort into it.

We are all motivated in one way or another. We all want to succeed at what we do. Who wants to set themselves up for failure? Get in the game and you will be surprised at how motivated you can be.
