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Surviving and Thriving as a Real Estate Agent: Part 3

Tuesday, December 22

In my last two articles, I have discussed how real estate agents can not only survive, but thrive in this challenging real estate market.  I have covered the first three points in my four point plan:1. Develop Your Niche2. Become An Expert in Your Field3. Be Mobile/Adapt4. Develop a Marketing Cam...

Surviving and Thriving as a Real Estate Agent: Through Good Times and Bad

Tuesday, December 08

It is no secret that real estate agents, as well as other real estate related professions, have had a difficult road over the last few years.  The rise and fall of the national real estate market created a feast then famine scenario …and many agents have not survived the famine.  Meanwhile, over ...

Drop Bids at Trustee Sales

Tuesday, November 24

 Drop Bids at Trustee SalesThe Arizona Republic recently ran an article discussing the practice of "drop bids" at the Maricopa County foreclosure auction.  When a lender posts a Notice of Sale amount (often referred to as the minimum bid) and then drops the amount hours or even minutes before the...

Mind the Gap

Tuesday, November 17

Mind the GapYou know you've arrived in London when you step out of the "tube" and hear the oft-looped pleasantry over the loud speakers, "Mind the Gap!"  The announcement is referring to the gap between the subway platform and the train.  In the current Las Vegas real estate market, we must mind ...

Short Sales vs. REO's

Tuesday, November 10

As of September 2009, the nation's supply of REO homes has begun to shrink, even in foreclosure capital Las Vegas, NV.  As investors flood back into distressed markets, we are seeing multiple bid situations for most REO or bank-owned foreclosure properties coming back onto the market.  With deman...

Trustee's Sale Best Way to Acquire Properties as REO Prices Rise in September

Thursday, November 05

As you may know I have been very heavily involved in the Las Vegas real estate market for the last six years, both as a private investor and as a licensed real estate agent.  As an agent specializing in undervalued properties, I have sold homes and condos to both owner occupants and investors at ...