Strongest Home Price Gain in 6 Years
Accounting for over 25% of April’s home sales were short sales and foreclosures that sold at deep discounts. Foreclosures were sold for an average of 21% below the market value in April, and short sales were sold at an average of 14% less. All four regions experienced a rise in month-to-month and year-to-year median home prices showing that we’ve now reached our highest level in a very long time.
The good news is the month’s supply of existing home sales has remained below the 1982 highest level and since the next highest peak in July 2010of 12.4%. Regionally, home sales rose in April all over the country. The Northeast sales were up 19.2% over April 2011. Home sales in the West were up 4.4% over March while the South saw home sales up 3.5%, and the Midwest home sales were up 1.0%.
Tom Kile – Your real estate resource for Amarillo, TX and surrounding communities.
Originally posted at: http://activerain.com/blogsview/3318761/strongest-home-price-gain-in-6-years