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Posted over 15 years ago

Private Equity Answers

Financing solutions could exist for clients who might otherwise pass on a good deal

As published in Scotsman Guide's Commercial Edition, February 2009.

In today's tight credit market, most conventional mortgage lenders -- such as commercial banks and insurance companies -- are falling back on time-tested, conservative underwriting methods. This includes requiring low loan-to-value ratios (LTVs); high borrower liquidity and net worth; and stable, low-vacancy assets. It's likely harder for many of your clients to get high-leverage loans, and they're often required to put up a larger cash outlay -- receiving a lower return on investment.

Thus, many would-be property-buyers sit on the sidelines to wait out the market, and the volume of brokered deals is decreasing significantly. As a mortgage broker, however, you can help your clients move forward with their deals by helping them find private equity.

Read the full article here:

Comments (1)

  1. Yup...tough to get financed right now...unless you don't need the money!