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Posted about 15 years ago

Real Estate Investing: Hypnotized Into Failure

Real Estate Investing: Hypnotized Into Failure

Over the weekend my wife and I went to see one of those crazy hypnotism comedy shows. You know the shows where they get like 20 people to come up on the stage and make fools of themselves while they are hypnotized.

One of my favorite tricks of the evening was when the hypnotist convinced this 300lb Hulk looking dude that he could not lift his left foot off ground. Here was this man, who on an average day could probably squat 600 or 700lbs, but when hypnotized he could not life his foot no matter how hard he tried. His face was beat red, he was sweating buckets, you could clearly see that he was trying with all his mite but that foot would not move.

Why couldn't this massive muscular dude move his foot? Experts will tell you that when you are under hypnosis the hypnotist is speaking directly with your subconscious.

Without your conscious mind making all of the decisions about what you can and cannot do, your subconscious mind is much more open to suggestion. This 300 lb guy could not move his foot simply because he didn't think that he could.

How does this relate to you? If simple thoughts could render the Hulks foot useless, how could your thoughts about investing success be affecting you? Have you convinced yourself that you can't achieve success as an investor for one reason or another? Is the market too bad? Do you need more money first? What limiting beliefs do you have about what you can achieve? Have you hypnotized yourself into limited success without knowing it?  

If your a struggling newbie your answers to the questions will move you closer to the root cause of your problem. Even if your a seasoned investor, you are likely to have some limiting beliefs about how big you can grow your business. Once you uncover your limiting beliefs, you simply need to notice when that little voice inside starts trying to convince you of your limits.

Instead of getting in a pushing match with the little voice, simply ask "How do I know this is true?". If there is no way of knowing whether or not something is true, you simply need to dismiss what the voice has to say and move on.

Eric Medemar is a real estate consultant from Grand Rapids, MI. Be sure to check out his FREE real estate investing guide as well as his Highly acclaimed real estate investing course where he will show you his easy to understand methods for investing during our current housing panic.
