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Posted about 15 years ago

Real Estate Investing: Strategies for A Slow Market

Real Estate Investing Strategies For Our Slow Market

Real Estate Investing Strategies For Our Slow Market

Over the holidays I had the pleasure of speaking with one of my coaching students about a closing that he just finished. This was no ordinary closing, this was his first closing since he had started living his dream of becoming a real estate investor. Ever since Jay was about 15 years old, he said that he had been fascinated by real estate investing. Coming from an extremely humble beginnings Jay knew that college most likely would not be an option for him. Jay saw real estate as his only escape from the traditional 9-5 blue collar jobs that his parent had worked so desperately hard at for most of his life.

Over the holidays I had the pleasure of speaking with one of my coaching students about a closing that he just finished. This was no ordinary closing, this was his first closing since he had started living his dream of becoming a real estate investor. Ever since Jay was about 15 years old, he said that he had been fascinated by real estate investing. Coming from an extremely humble beginnings Jay knew that college most likely would not be an option for him. Jay saw real estate as his only escape from the traditional 9-5 blue collar jobs that his parent had worked so desperately hard at for most of his life.

Jay did not do particularly well in school, he was more of a daydreamer. Of course our school systems don't offer many rewards for daydreamers. Instead the daydreamers of our world are poked and prodded until they become like everyone else. Luckily for Jay he had a strong will like his mother. When the bad grades arrived Jay did not see them as reflecting on him. Instead he looked at his "Bad grades"as an indicator that he was doing something right, because from the looks of things being just like everybody else didn't look so rewarding.

I asked Jay what advice he had for other rookie investors who are currently struggling to keep their faith about investing during these "Troubled times". His answer was no less than perfection, "Troubled times, I guess I didn't know we were having troubled times Eric. Maybe while I was daydreaming about what could be, I forget to pay attention to how bad the market supposedly is".

Then this once labeled "Slow" 22 year old man said one of the greatest lines I have ever heard. He said "Eric just a minute, let me run into the dining room and grab my check, maybe my check can tell you about our troubled times".

I cannot tell you how much I appreciated spending time on the phone with Jay. How many of you would be much better off being just a little "Slow" and decided not to listen to your friends, family and the media about how "Bad" our market is.

The problem with the "Bad market" mindset is that if you think the markets bad, then it is. Once your reality says the market is bad, then you severely limit your chances of accomplishing anything. Instead of seeing our real estate market as either good or bad, just see it as "The market", then adjust your investing strategies accordingly.

Eric Medemar is a real estate consultant from Grand Rapids, MI. This article is one of many from Eric's FREE Real Estate Investing Newsletter available by clicking this link======>FREE real estate newsletters Be sure to check out his FREE real estate investing guide as well.

Comments (1)

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