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Posted about 15 years ago

How to Gain Business with Real Estate Investors

Utilize your Network, and Get to Be Known!

Real estate investors know what they want, where they can get it, and they don't have much difficulty finding it. Very often, they will rely on their network and referrals to provide assistance when they are in need of help. Obviously, you want to be a part of this network that they will use – and so the million dollar question for today is, “How do you get there?”

You certainly won't make it very far if no one knows about your business, so the first step for any agent is getting to BE KNOWN in your area. In order to be known, you must UTILIZE YOUR NETWORK and employ resources that are readily available to you. Try building a relationship with local business owners and group leaders. Contribute to local organizations and participate in venues where you can volunteer your services. The more people who know about you and the service you provide - the better off you'll be.

Over the years, you will work with many different individuals who are involved in the real estate profession - like attorneys, mortgage brokers, property managers, stagers, and title officers. It is important to build a relationship with a team of talented people who you can rely on when you need access to resources or information. Utilize this network, because a good relationship with these individuals can lead to synergistic opportunities in the future. For example, a title company is a valuable resource for real estate agents, because they can help agents market to absentee owners in their area zip codes they specialize in.

The bottom line here is that when a client is looking for a service in a certain area, you want to be at the top of the list of known individuals who can provide it. Think of this as SEO (search engine optimization) - but in real life, not just Google. When an investor wants to purchase property, they will search through their network first before consulting with other resources. That’s why you should utilize this network that they are using to search, and be known within the first set of results.

We're holding a 30 minute webinar "How to Market to Real Estate Investors,on Friday at 11 AM Pacific Time. The presentation will focus on why real estate investors are important in the current markets and how to be successful with them. Click HERE to register.

The presentation includes the following:

 * "Why are Investors Important" - This segment illustrates the size and buyer behavior of the real estate investor market based on recent studies and NAR data

 * "How can I be Successful with Real Estate Investors" - This segment discusses investors' pain points, and how agents can create opportunities by helping to solve these pain points.

The webinar is free, but space is limited and pre-registration is required. You can register by clicking here.


Comments (2)

  1. Hi Azu, That's exactly the type of question that we answer in the webinar! The important thing is that you need to think like an investor. Consider the things that are important to an investor. Think about their pain points, and find a way to help them. Investing is a long term game, and if you want to work with real estate investors, you need to cultivate a long term relationship with your clients. Many real estate professionals co-brand our property management software for free and share it with their investor clients, because it helps the clients save time and money, and it helps build a relationship with that client as you are providing solutions to problems that they need help with.

  2. When starting out as a new investor with not much capital what is the best way to ensure success. I have gone to meetup groups, social networking, etc... What are things that I can do or have to add value to an investor so that he or she would work with me on deals?