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Posted over 15 years ago

i-Phone vs Blackberry Storm?

It's come time for me to change phones (yet again) and I've narrowed my decision down to two, but I'm having trouble deciding.  I've read reviews on both the i-Phone and the Blackberry Storm and had the chance to play around with both and haven't been able to come to a conclusion just yet.

I was really hoping to hear from some fellow agents as to their experiences using either phone out in the field since most of the reviews I've read aren't reviews from those involved in real estate. The one that I did find from agents was concerning the i-Phone (before 3G) and the older Blackberry models. I hope you guys can help me in my decision. Thank you so much!


Comments (5)

  1. I purchased the Blackberry Storm and brought it back after two days. The touch screen didn't seem to recognize my touch. I was really going out of my mind as I waited 4 months for it to come out. I was sorely disappointed. I brought it back and go the Curve as I didn't want to change plans and am already with Verizon. I am happy with the Curve, but miss not having 3G network. I hope you're enjoying the phone that selected!

  2. I have had several blackberrys, a few Treo's and now I have an Iphone. Very easy to use, now supports MS exchange server which was the one large holdup for me to convert to the Iphone. I now have and Iphone and my wife has one as well. The webbrowser is the best available bar none. My wife uses hers to login to the MLS system if needed while out. There are tons of apps to load. There is a pretty cool app for real estate analysis. Check it out at I am testing it now. Seems pretty solid. I have never really been a Apple fan. Their proprietary approach to everything drives the price up. Recently I have taken another look and the Iphone is one of the winners in my book!

  3. Thanks you guys! I don't know why I feel i have to doubt Apple when it comes to my phone ha ha, I love everything else I have from them...but I'm beginning to see I shouldn't doubt them anymore

  4. I'm fond of the iPhone. Particularly, the web-browser on the iphone is far superior, which is key for me.

  5. Hey There, I'm a young professional finishing my MS degree in Color Science. On the side I create handmade jewelry, am a professional photographer, and purchase Single family homes (not to mention do my on rehabs / and Property Management) WHEW! So, I'm a busy boy. Anyway, I'm telling you all this because I think it is important to illustrate my point. I'm very tech savvy having grown up during the birth of the PC. I also find the time to have fun, travel, ski, hike, etc. SOOOO all that being said - I must tell you - that Apple makes the highest quality products and really really thinks about what they are doing, before they do it. They are market leaders! (and now is a GREAT time to stock up on their stock, but that is besides the point) I'll admit, I've been a loyal AAPL fan since the Apple IIe, and I've been here watching as the public has hopped aboard. Let me tell you this EVEN IF a blackberry is the BEST choice for your profession NOW, that will change very very soon. Apple has people all over the globe scrambling to make apps for their phone!!! All's apple has to do is keep up the innovation, and keep delivery great products with excellent service. Do yourself a favor, and don't buy into what your peers think. What do they know anyway?? Take it from a young professional (who will ALWAYS buy apple) DON'T get that stupid Blackberry (iPhone wannabe) - get the real deal, get an apple. And while your at it, get the matching MacBookPro - I PROMISE YOU - YOU WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER regret your decision. All that being said, I'm willing to BET MONEY, that I haven't convinced you, and it will take you a few more years to come to the best side of the equation. The side where things work, where things integrate simply and painlessly, the elegant side, the beautiful side. But I don't care, cause I'm already there. Cheers! Markie