Why Rent Payment Technologies are Broken and Expensive
Tuesday, February 09
Why Rent Payment Technologies are Broken and expensive - AND HOW TO FIX THEMThis is a really exciting topic! While more than 80% of car loans and mortgages are paid electronically, and over 50% of Americans regularly shop online, less than 5% of rents are collected electronically. Adoption rates ...
How to Deny a Rental Application with Poise
Thursday, February 05
The best way to deny an applicant is to be short, sweet, and to the point. If the decision was based in part or in whole on their credit score, then you are required to provide them with the recourse to obtain a free copy of their credit report. Prepare a standard letter or find someone ...
Anti-Discrimination Laws Do Not Protect Smoking
Tuesday, February 03
Aside from finding an unflushed toilet, getting assigned a smoking room in a hotel when you are a non-smoker is the worst possible surprise. Love smoking or hate it, non-smokers are increasingly serious about not renting apartments that smell like someone else’s butts. But, is there anything you...