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Posted almost 13 years ago

Facebook Ads Vs Google Ads

The key difference between Facebook and Google for real estate professionals is that people may or may not be very interested in buying or selling real estate in the near future who are on Facebook and see your ads there.  But if they find you through Google then you can be sure they specifically went looking for what you offer and found you using keywords related to the home they’re looking for.  Consequently, people who find you through Google tend to be more serious about buying or selling real estate then people who find you on Facebook.

Consequently, in most cases your Facebook ad’s landing pages should be squeeze pages clearly stating what your services are and clearly requests their email address.  This ensures that if they’re at all interested in your offerings that they’ll signup to receive your mailings.  If your landing page is your home page they may just cruise around a bit but not sign up because their interest level was low and there was no clear call to action, an unambiguous yes or no proposition.

Some people are more comfortable with adding you as a friend on Facebook than giving you their email address since they can hide their email address from you on their Facebook profile and not worry about getting spammed by you.  So be sure to allow people to choose how they want to connect with you: either through Facebook, directly through email or both.  The advantage of adding these people via Facebook is they might stop using the email address they give you sometime in the future but you’ll probably always be able to contact them through Facebook.
