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Posted almost 13 years ago

Work On Your Real Estate Website Not In It

real estate websiteTypically, this rep only spends time and money on advertising their business when they’ve got a new listing.  “After all,” they reason, “why should I advertise if I don’t have any inventory?”.  This rep figures once their business from referrals starts picking up, they may be able to afford hiring a part time assistant so they can devote the necessary time to handling the increase in prospects.  It may take them another 5 years to get to that point, but they’re making enough money for now, so they’re willing to wait.

By then, they figure the economy will have picked up, so there will be more opportunities for them at that time in any case.  They think the top producers in this business are mostly reps who have been in real estate for so long that they’ve built up enough clientele and contacts to give them a steady stream of referrals, often more than they can handle.  The rest are lucky or “know computers well”.

Do you find yourself in this typical rep?  Let’s take a look at this typical rep’s many flaws and understand how they differ from top producers.

This rep who works in their business may not have overcome the psychological barrier of rejection, so they soften the sting of rejection by dealing with people they know who usually won’t be as blunt with them as when prospecting with people they don’t know.

This rep has taken a timid, lazy, haphazard approach to prospecting by relying strictly on any and all personal and business contacts for acquiring new clients.  By doing so, they’re really relying on what these contacts think of them as a person for getting business, and not their ability to help them buy or sell real estate.  This is a shaky foundation for any new real estate business, no matter how extensive your network is or how well you’re regarded by these people.  They spend far more time and money lunching and coffeeing with old friends and contacts than they should.

A rep who works on their business will not neglect their personal or professional networks when building their clientele, but they will seek ways of developing a more comprehensive prospecting system of which networking is only a part.  These reps will develop a prospecting system they can embrace on both a personal and professional level and will consistently work that system on a daily basis.  They’ll make studying highly successful entrepreneurs (especially those in real estate) a regular part of how they spend their time, continually refining their prospecting system with that knowledge as they progress.  They will also have made computers, the internet and technology in general the foundation of their prospecting system.

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