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Posted almost 14 years ago

Detroit Investor TV Episode 1 Section 8

I'm pretty excited about my latest project here at Urban Detroit Wholesalers.  I have been kicking this idea around for about six months and finally I just decided to do.
I've started Detroit Investor TV and I will be airing two episodes a week on YouTube.  Twice a week I will be shooting two videos, four to seven minutes long, covering all sorts of topics about investing in Detroit. I think this will be very helpful as many times it easier to convey real time information in video versus the written word.
No worries for the five thousand of you who read my blog.  I will still be blogging!  I'm just adding a new and exciting format for sharing information that I believe will also increase our interaction.
Watch Detroit Investor TV Episode 1 Section 8

This episode covers some of the issues we are having with section 8 in Detroit with our and our clients Detroit forclosures.

Also, Urban Detroit Wholesalers now has a Facebook fan page.  This is an awesome way to share information, ask questions, and interact. I'm pretty excited about it.

Let me know if you would like me to dedicate a Detroit Investor TV episode to a question or a concern that you may have.  I'm open to requests and would really appreciate the input.
Jeremy Burgess, The Detroit Market Expert
