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Seller Finance and Make Huge Profits!

Thursday, June 18

Few will argue that the current real estate market is in a dark place and that the old ways of making money have passed. While this may be true, there is a sea of opportunity for real estate investors who are willing to innovate and solve problems. Currently, most 1st time home buyers who would l...

Detroit is the new frontier, the Gold Rush is on!

Monday, June 08

I can’t help but think of Detroit as the Wild Wild West of the 21st century. Driving around Detroit always makes me feel like I’ve just discovered a new land where anything is possible. With over 80,000 acres of urban prairie and 40,000 houses that need to be demolished, Detroit is where American...

Embracing Change in Our Current Economy

Thursday, May 21

Not many of us remember what it was like to have one job for your entire career but your Grandparents do. Your mother and father have more than likely have had several jobs and changed careers multiple times. Our generation is faced with the reality that few jobs or careers will provide any long ...

Hard work and doing what others won't

Friday, May 15

May 14, 2009 Hard work and doing what others won't I remember sitting in the yellow lighted room with its slightly grungy feel as my high school councilor came in.  I'm filled with anxiety because I'm at that age, 17, when I'm supposed to know what to do with my life and I have no idea.  I don'...

Making Money in Real Estate While Making a Difference

Wednesday, April 29

 There are many myths out there when it comes to making money in business and real estate as well as how you need to operate your business to be successful. I’m sure most of you have been told or at least have heard that it is a “dog eat dog world”. Or maybe that in order for you to win, someone ...

Detroit Real Estate Finally Gets the Spot Light

Monday, March 16

Detroit Real Estate Finally Gets the Spot Light!Urban Detroit Wholesalers on CNN tonight at 8:00pm EST!Detroit has received quite a bit of positive media attention of late as a city with bargain properties and a city worth investing in. This is a bright sunny light, finally and well deserved, for...