My $1.5 Million-Dollar In-Flight Real Estate Deal
Nobody could have convinced me when I embarked on the trip to Inman Real Estate Connect, from Oklahoma City to San Francisco this week that I’d own another piece of property between the time the plane took off and landed.
A piece of property I’d never known about before I received an email in-flight, a piece of property I knew would go fast, but probably not faster than our plane was traveling.
Truthfully, between our connection in Salt Lake City and our final destination, San Francisco, all the legal documents were created, signed and emailed. The transaction was, in fact, faster than the plane flight.
So, maybe that’s not so unusual, meaning plenty of investors work while they are flying.
But how many investors have conducted an entire transaction, from hearing about a new property to receiving seller acceptance on a connecting flight? Please comment because I’d LOVE to hear about your deals, too.
Kudos go to #GoGoAir.com for providing flawless WiFi services in-flight, and also to #DocuSign.com for giving me the power to upload my signed offer, and to get it accepted. Obviously, there is NO WAY my execution would have happened without the stellar services offered by both companies.
These are not affiliate links. I’m sharing my genuine gratitude for a job well done, thanks to GoGo and DocuSign. It literally couldn’t have happened without you both! I am a man who has seen many highs and lows. I am very thankful that I am now in a position, with the help of a good team, to enjoy an exciting and fulfilling life.
#GoGoInFlight #DocuSign #Inman