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Posted over 2 years ago

Up To Date Virtual Processes to Finding Motivated Seller’s Leads

Due to COVID, working remotely and practicing social distancing has had a great influence on how we as humans interact in life and in business for the past year. With real estate investing taking a large note in these changes and applying it to a more friendlier outlook on investing. Seasoned investors, who were previously accustomed to the older process, are placing themselves in successful positions by taking advantage of this technological growth. They’re doing this to help grow their business and reach new markets!

Although it is preferred for some, virtual real estate investing doesn’t necessarily have to be long distance. It is 100% obtainable from a local level. However, the concept of virtual investing lies within not having to physically be present to view or inspect a property but to be able to invest and conduct business from a phone or computer without having to be at the set location.

That’s why the development of a “virtual real estate investing system” becomes so crucial to investing on a remote scale. Leaving out the tools and applications for running a business, the question still to be answered is on finding the best way to locate sellers’ leads remotely.

Virtual Real Estate Investing System

3 Crucial Components to this system:

  1. Deciding on the right area based on your primary real estate investing strategy (Wholesaling, Fix and Flips, or Buy and Holds);
  1. Locating potential sellers’ leads virtually;
  1. Getting the right tools and “boots on the ground” to inspect/market your properties;

In this blog, I’m going to focus on expanding component # 2 - Locating potential sellers’ leads virtually.

3 Main Ways to Find Leads Virtually:

  • Online platforms - Some softwares like Propstream, are the easiest ways to create sellers’ leads lists by zoning in on certain markets from your criteria. I personally love to use Propstream to find Absentee owners, high equity, and vacant homes.
  • Public Databases - Preforeclosures, probates, tax delinquent properties and things of that nature can be accessed online. The best place to find this data is directly from either your local or where you’re investing’s local government’s office that publishes the data themselves.
  • Online ADS - Facebook and Google ads have shockingly become valuable resources in finding motivated sellers’ leads. The ad copy and speedy followup system are super important to the success of using this strategy for sellers’ leads.

In order to host a successful virtual real estate investing system you must be able to automate the lead generation phase with buyers and sellers. You’ll have to become a pro at marketing for lead generation, following up on the process and being on top of the transaction management as well.
