Discover Houses in Florence, Arizona

Interested in houses in Florence, Arizona? Florence is located right between two of Arizona's biggest cities, Phoenix and Tucson. It is around an hour and fifteen minutes away from Phoenix on the 60, one of the fastest growing cities in the country.Phoenix is also home to seven Fortune 500 companies and numerous sports and cultural institutions.
Since Sky Harbor International Airport is located in the southeastern corner of Phoenix, Florence is considerably closer to this airport than other suburbs in the metropolitan area. Tucson, another cultural and educational center, is an hour and a half away to the south on the 79. Florence is also a day drive away from Tonto National Forest and Theodore Roosevelt Lake. San Tan Mountain Regional Park is only a short drive away to the northwest. Florence is known for its Country Thunder music festival, and is also the setting for the movie, Murphy's Romance. These are just some of the numerous reasons why living in Florence, AZ is incredible!