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Posted over 13 years ago

Top 10 Reason Why Your Property Is Not Sold!

We are currently in, what is fondly called “A Buyers Market”. When you have a this kind of market it makes selling your retail property a bit more difficult because of the competition in the market. This competition are others looking to sell their home as well. A question to ask yourself is how does your house measure up to those around you that are for sale.

I want you to pause for a moment and think……. there are other factors playing a part in your house not being sold. There could be 1 main reason or a combination of factors causing this dilemma. Look around your house for a moment and take in what you see, smell the air and hear everything while standing in your house. Now ask yourself would you purchase your home right now.

I have a list of 10 reasons why your home is not selling, maybe this will help shed some light on your problem.

  1. Your Asking Price Is Too High: With the current changes in the market your houses value is not what it was. Consider reducing your price. Understand that your emotional attachment to the property does not equate to $$$  a higher asking price to the potential buyer. Individuals who owe more than their house is worth are in a really tight spot but there is a possible solution.
  2. Your Realtor Maybe Lazy: I don’t want any Realtors getting upset with me. With any profession you have those who are lazy and just do not do as good a job as others. Make sure you have done your research on the Realtor you work with to list your home. Some Realtors just want the listing and others really work hard at assisting you to get your house sold.
  3. Your House Does Not Show Well: You have had a few open houses and yet it seems there is little to no interest in your property. Try to remove some of the clutter, things like family pictures on the wall, posters, bookshelves or large furniture that takes up a lot of space. You want people to easily walk through the house and view it without having to walk around things or trying to envision what a room would look like with your stuff gone.
  4. Your House Smells: Your house may have an odor that may not be noticeable to you because you live there and you have become use to it. If you have pets like cats, dogs and so on they will more than likely cause your house to have an odor. Clean all soft surfaces with a deodorizer and wash the walls. Try buying a few cinnamon sticks and some apple sauce, place this in a pan in the oven on 250 a couple hours before anyone comes to see your house.
  5. Needs A Fresh Paint Job: Your house may have some colors on the inside that are perfect for you but may be a total turnoff to any potential buyer. For $200 to $300 you can and should paint the interior in neutral or earth tone colors. This reminds me of a house viewed, it was a beautiful house and the owner had been trying to sale for close to a year but could not. Upon walking into the living room I saw why. The living, dining and family rooms were all fuchsia with hot pink accents and the kitchen was bright lime green.
  6. Your Marketing and Advertising Sucks: For those of you who are selling your house on your own you need to employ very creative and effective marketing and advertising. Yeah I know; you put your FSBO sign in the yard, placed an ad in the local paper and on Craigslist. You maybe even used Facebook & Twitter but there are specific things you need to do to get more eyes looking at your advertisement.
  7. It’s “YOUR” House: in essence its yours because you are the owner on record, but you need to stop looking at it like “This Is My House”. Reason being you are not trying to sell “YOUR” house to a potential buyer, you are trying to sale THE house. So all the things that make the house “yours” you need to correct. Like zebra print wallpaper and any other personalized touches.
  8. No Payment Details: You may have people come to see the house who are pre-approved and others who are not and they may not have any clue to what their payments may be. Find a mortgage lender at your banking institution or another place and ask them to run the numbers for you. They can put this together with different down payments and interest rates. Having this can make the difference.
  9. No Curb Appeal: This is where it all starts. This is your chance to make a great first impression. You want to make sure the yard is in good shape and not full of weeds, add some colorful flowers and shrubs. Simply make it appealing. Think about it, would you seriously consider buying a house that was not attractive to start with.
  10. Outdated: Your home may have a 70′s kitchen, an 80′s bath and a 60′s and 70′s feel to it, this is 2010. Updating you kitchen doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Get the cabinets resurfaced and update the knobs and handles. Get a new toilet and vanity, these things can be done for less than $500. If you have that old wood paneling on your walls remove it quick!

I hope this sheds some light on your situation when you are trying to sell your home.

P.S. leave any feedback or things you may feel I overlooked.


For more detailed information visit Toledo Investment Deals Blog

Comments (5)

  1. I really enjoyed reading this, and its very true, especially the smelly house part hahah

  2. Great list. The asking price is probably high on the list. Especially those that learn they may not be able to sell there place and have enough to payoff the mortgage.

  3. It's in the wrong location! Nope, not much you can do about that now, but it should become a big consideration for each home you buy in the future.

  4. Nice List John. I cracked up when I read "Your House Smells"! You put it bluntly and correctly. The smell of freshly baked cookies I am sure is a better turn on than cat debris.

  5. Good list..I think price is probably the biggest issue. Pretty much anything will sell in this market as long as the price is right.