Ditch the 4% Rule: Here's A Smarter Way to Fund Your Retirement
Wednesday, January 08
If you're looking at your retirement account balance and feeling that knot in your stomach, you're not alone. A recent survey from Bankrate showed that more than half of Americans feel like they're behind on their retirement savings. But before you resign yourself to working an extra decade, ther...
How I Filled 40 Units and Hit 100% Occupancy During the Slow Season
Wednesday, October 09
You know that saying about being in the right place at the right time? Well, sometimes you have to create that "right place" yourself. That's exactly what I did when I turned a casual Christmas dinner conversation into a career-defining opportunity. Here's how I went from flying planes to fillin...
From House Hacking to 15,000 Units: The Move That Changed Everything
Thursday, August 22
Real estate investing can be a rollercoaster. One day, you're up to your elbows in a broken toilet; the next, you're signing papers on a multi-million dollar deal. That's been my journey, anyway. I started with a single house, built up to 21 units, then one move that took me to 15,000. Here's how...