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How I Helped a Veteran Client buy a 4-Flat with $0 Out-of-Pocket

Monday, July 01

“So no s**t, there I was...“ That’s always been my favorite way to start a great story. Well strap in, because this is a good one! By now, it’s fairly well-known that you can purchase a multifamily property with a VA loan, provided you use it as your primary residence. I have helped dozens of vet...

11 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 22 & Getting Started In Real Estate

Wednesday, May 29

16 years ago I bought my first investment property – a 4-flat in El Paso, TX. I was 22 and I didn’t know it at the time but I had no clue what I was doing. Freshly armed with a Real Estate Investing for Dummies book, I was ready to take on the world. The good thing was my ignorance didn’t stop me...

Don't Let Sewer Drama Drain Your Wallet: Get a Sewer Scope Inspection!

Wednesday, May 01

Protect Your Investment: Why You Need a Sewer Scope Inspection in Chicago Congratulations on finding a potential property in Chicago! Before finalizing your purchase, there are several essential inspections to schedule. While a standard home inspection is crucial, one often-overlooked yet valua...

Adding a Conforming Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) in Chicago

Friday, April 05

Adding a conforming additional dwelling unit (ADU) to a non-ADU zone building in Chicago - what a mouthful of a title! And guess what — the process is just as convoluted. This topic comes up quite a bit in Chicago real estate realms and deserves some attention and explanation. But first I’ll expl...

What's "Luck" Got To Do With It?

Wednesday, March 13

How much does luck play into success in real estate? For me, quite a bit! And I’m sure the same is true for a lot of folks reading this. I’m a firm believer in that adage “the harder I work, the luckier I get.” The real estate journey I’ve been on has been a get rich slow train — and I honestly ...

Multifamily Investing in the Chicago Market

Wednesday, February 28

The Chicago multifamily real estate market can be complex, and at times filled with potholes and landmines. It is extremely vital - if you are going to invest in multifamily properties in Chicago - that you do these four things: 1. BE CONSERVATIVE IN YOUR UNDERWRITINGThink your taxes are going to...