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Posted 5 months ago

Differences Between HELOC and Term Loans for REI

Real estate investing can be a lucrative avenue for building wealth, but it often requires significant capital to get started or to grow an existing portfolio. Two common financing options available to investors are Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOC) and Term Loans. Each has its unique benefits and drawbacks, particularly when it comes to real estate investing. While both can be valuable tools, Term Loans often offer advantages in terms of speed and the lack of collateral requirements, making them particularly appealing for certain investment strategies. Here's a closer look at both options to help you make an informed decision.

Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

A HELOC is a revolving credit line that allows homeowners to borrow against the equity they have built up in their homes. It's akin to a credit card, but secured by your property as collateral.


  • Flexibility: HELOCs offer flexibility in borrowing and repayment. You can draw from the line of credit as needed, repay it, and borrow again.
  • Lower Interest Rates: Since HELOCs are secured by your home, they typically come with lower interest rates compared to unsecured loans.
  • Potential Tax Benefits: Interest paid on a HELOC may be tax-deductible if the loan is used to buy, build, or substantially improve the taxpayer’s home that secures the loan.


  • Risk of Foreclosure: If you fail to make payments, you risk losing your home since it serves as collateral.
  • Variable Interest Rates: Most HELOCs have variable rates, meaning your payments could increase if interest rates rise.
  • Equity Requirement: You need to have sufficient equity in your home to qualify, which may not be feasible for recent homebuyers.

Term Loans

Term Loans are fixed amounts of money borrowed with agreed repayment schedules and interest rates. These loans can be unsecured or secured, but for real estate investing, unsecured term loans are particularly attractive due to their no-collateral requirement.


  • Speed: Unsecured Term Loans can be processed and funded quickly, often within days. This speed is crucial in real estate deals where timing can be everything.
  • No Collateral Requirement: Unlike HELOCs, unsecured term loans do not require your property as collateral, reducing personal risk.
  • Fixed Interest Rates: Term loans usually have fixed interest rates, providing predictability in repayment amounts throughout the loan term.


  • Higher Interest Rates: Due to the lack of collateral, unsecured term loans often come with higher interest rates compared to secured loans.
  • Fixed Payments: You have to make fixed payments regardless of your financial situation, which could be a downside during lean periods.
  • Qualification Criteria: Lenders may have strict credit and income requirements for unsecured term loans.

Why Term Loans Often Favor Real Estate Investors

For real estate investors, the speed of obtaining financing can be critical, especially in competitive markets. Term Loans offer a swift influx of cash, which can be a game-changer for securing deals. Additionally, the absence of a collateral requirement means investors don't have to tie up their personal or investment properties, allowing for greater flexibility and reduced personal risk.

While HELOCs have their place, especially for ongoing projects or for investors with significant home equity looking for low-interest rates, the predictability and speed of Term Loans make them a favored choice for many. They provide a straightforward, flexible financing solution that aligns well with the dynamic needs of real estate investment, from quick acquisitions to bridging cash flow gaps.

In conclusion, both HELOCs and Term Loans offer unique advantages for real estate investors. The choice between them should be guided by your specific financial situation, investment strategy, and the amount of risk you're willing to assume. However, for those valuing speed and flexibility without the need to use their home as collateral, Term Loans often present a compelling option.
