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Posted 9 months ago

Transitional Land - What is it? Why is it so Valuable?

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Time to Hedge with a Horizontal Investment

Look to Transitional Land & Horizontal Developments

Horizontal Real Estate

Land is one of the time-honored inflation hedges. It's a tangible asset, and those tend to hold their value when inflation reigns, unlike paper assets. More specifically, as prices rise, so do land values.

Transitional Land

Transitional land is traditionally rural zoned parcels 10+ acres located an existing municipality. Due to the close proximity to the city, transitional land is in the path of development. And provides our growing population additional housing and services. The land may provide utilities, schools, retail stores, and other services that are critical for development.

Horizontal Development

This is not a time to "go Vertical" as construction costs have skyrocketed. However, purchasing transitional land and preparing it for Horizontal development is a wise move.

Horizontal Development refers to obtaining entitlements and adding infrastructure to prepare a piece of land for vertical construction. For example, this includes finalizing the permitting on the land, installing utilities, or laying a concrete pad.
