REI Tip #3: Start a Business to Fuel Your Investor Success
Did you know that 74% of the wealthiest individuals in the United States achieved their success though Real Estate Investing and Business Ownership? The key to success is to create multiple streams of income. For instance you can start a business from home in many different arenas and industries. I believe that a business that is Real Estate based has the most potential for success. You can work as a Realtor, a Mortgage Broker and create an income that will fuel your Real Estate Investment business. Personally I started in the financing arena and have since branched out to creating a full time investment income through various strategies and mentors that I have worked with. I still bring my financing expertise to the table in all of these endeavors. The point is you will NEVER achieve real wealth as long as you are an employee of someone else! If you would like to brainstorm different business ideas that you can start from home and achieve massive success we would love to show you several ways to get started with no overhead and very little startup capital.
Until Next time Here is to your success! Jason Wheeler 866-833-7413 | Come to a FREE Event |
Comments (1)
<a href="http://www.hometownrenter.com" title="Hometown Renter">HometownRenter.com</a> has the questions to ask yourself if it is better to rent or buy in your situation. Do you need the flexibility of renting? or can you afford to stay in your home for at least 5 years or longer? * Can you afford a 20% down payment? * Can you afford a monthly payment on a 30-year fixed mortgage? * ask your CPA ... Does the tax benefit of home ownership offset a potential decline in home value? * Have you reduced other real estate debt before you add more on this home purchase? * Does a fixed monthly mortgage payment for the next 15 years outweigh the likely inflation of rents during that same time (called an inflation hedge) These are broad questions that can have many variations for each individual situation. However, it is a good foundation from which to start your home buying process. If you are in the market for a rental, visit <a href="http://www.hometownrenter.com" title="Hometown Renter">www.HometownRenter.com</a> to find your next rental home!
Gerwin, about 16 years ago