How Has the Use of Social Media Affected Your Business?
Article by Jason Wheeler
Real estate investing is a great way to create wealth and build financial freedom. People ask me all the time how to be successful in marketing and sure you have to spend time making the phone calls, writing offers and creating relationships however, as many of you on Bigger Pockets will attest Social Media is huge when it comes to creating your brand and getting found. People often look online first! I for one since I started learning in 2003 have found countless lending clients, real estate relationships and some amzing opportunities from being found online.
I wanted to share this video that has some amazing facts on how socail media is changing the way we send and recieve infromation and advertising.
So do you think social media is a fad? Are you running a business without a good social media campaign? If the answer to this is yes than you are throwing away a fortune of leads, clients, and customers no matter what your business is!
I talk to people all the time about using social media and the internet in order to market your business. The fact is that many business owners are very resistant to using social media as a key part of their marketing strategy. If you are one of them... rather than trying to convince your to get involved watch this quick fact filled video on the direction of our economy!
Let me know what you think with a comment below.
Until Next time Here is to your success! Jason Wheeler