Bay Area Intensive Investor Workshop a Success!
Wow! We had a huge crowd of over 300 people at our Intensive Real Estate Workshop in Concord CA today! Del Hargis is truly an inspiration and shared with us tons of great nut and bolt information on what you can do to start taking steps to a real estate investment income. Many feel that they could never get involved because they don't have money, however we learned today it is not your resources that make you wealthy but your resourcefulness!
When pilgrims came to this country they had nothing! Nothing but a huge desire to be independent and succeed. They proved to the world that when you constantly are moving forward toward your dreams and goals you can achieve them and become the best, even if you start with nothing. So get involved in our next event. Learn how you start taking the steps necessary to achieve what you want in life. Are you an observer, or an achiever? The choice is yours.
Until Next time Here is to your success! Jason Wheeler 866-833-7413 | Come to a FREE Event |