REI Tip 2: Find a Mentor, Serve Your Mentor!
The chances of you having tremendous success in Real Estate Investing on your own are extremely slim! That is why you MUST find a mentor as soon as possible! Go to meetings, seminars and REI Clubs and focus on meeting QUALITY people that are willing to help you learn! Nothing comes for free however there are many successful investors out there that are willing to help mentor you for a price. Usually this price is not in dollars but in dedicated work and desire to be successful. When I got started I found a few individuals that were having success and I asked how I could be of service. How do you feel when you get great service? Most want to give back or reciprocate. Find someone who has what you want and offer to serve them, you'd be surprised how much they would want to help you learn and become successful as well. If you would like to be connected to a mentor in your area it is very likely we can help. With a nationwide network of over 2200 investors We can connect you!
Until Next time Here is to your success! Jason Wheeler 866-833-7413 | Come to a FREE Event |