3 Simple Rules for Your Best Year Ever! 2010
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My wish for each of you is that 2010 will be the best year of your life ......
We have all heard these rules before, but it never hurts to be reminded of them!
Brian Tracy states that:
Rule No. 1
Your life can only get better when you get better. There’s no other way for your outer world to improve except for your inner world to improve so make a lifelong commitment to the most important person in the world. . . YOURSELF! Go to work. Continually make yourself a better person.
Rule No. 2
It doesn’t matter where you’re coming from or where you are. All that matters is where you’re going. It doesn’t matter what’s happened in your entire life up to this moment. Think about your goals and talk about your goals and treat people like they’re really important human beings. All of your thoughts and actions should be consistent with the very best person you can possibly be.
Rule No. 3
Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly at first. If you want to be the best in your field – remember when you start off you’re going to make a mess of it. You’ll do it poorly, you’ll fall on your face, and you’ll look, feel and sound clumsy and awkward. The key to success is the willingness to move out of the comfort zone and NOT go back. What zone is outside of the comfort zone? It’s the discomfort zone! It’s where you’re learning. You learn at a rapid rate when you expose yourself to incredible discomfort. The key is to stay out there until you become comfortable at a new higher level of performance.
If you could find out what the most successful people did in any area, and then you did the same thing over and over, you'd eventually get the same results they did.
And one of my personal favorites ..... BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND!
Start right where you are, build the image of what you want, and then act as if you have already received it. "Act like the person you want to become. Before you can DO something, you first must BE something." Goethe
Enjoy this time of year with family and friends, and Shirley and I wish you a safe, happy, healthy, and prosperous NEW YEAR! Thank you for being an important part of our lives.
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Until Next time Here is to your success! Jason Wheeler 925-285-2172