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Posted almost 15 years ago

I'm Creating a Reading List | What Books Have Helped Your Endeavors?

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A good friend of mine told me that "Readers are Succeeders" It is very important that you feed your brain positive energy every single day! One way that I do that is to spend AT LEAST a half hour a day reading material on self development and success EVERYDAY. You would be surprised how the daily communications from the mainstream media and blockbuster movies feed your subconscious horrible negative messages every day. Now it may not be realistic to ask you to stop watching TV or Movies altogether, heck I love a good movie and I think Conan O'brien is a riot. However you have to balance things off with some truly positive "Brain food" I highly recommend spending a bit of time everyday with a good positive book on self development. If you develop this habit you will be surprised at the changes that happen to your subconscious and what you will begin to attract!

I've decided to start a reading list and offer my brief reviews. I hope every now and again you will find a good recommendation. Please feel free to leave a comment on this page on books that have impacted your life and helped you. Feel free to leave a link to your website too.

I will be adding to this list and this page on a consistent basis so don't worry that there are only two books so far. Subscribe to this page and get updates when I post them.

  1. The Greatest Secret In the World by Og Mandino
  2. The Game Of Life by Florence Scovel Shinn


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Until Next time Here is to your success! Jason Wheeler 925-285-2172

Comments (3)

  1. Richest Man in Babylon is a great read. Just don't get the audio version. I was driving from Austin to Phoenix and, while great info, the low voice almost put me to sleep. Same thing with Eckhardt Tolle's Power of Now. He talks in a whisper; not good while driving. Other books: Think and Grow Rich, SPIN Selling, & the 4 Hour Work Week (actually a great audio book).

  2. The E-Myth Revisited is a must-read for entrepreneurs! Keys To The Vault is a great read too.

  3. What about a review of one of the most important books I've read, The Richest Man in Babylon?