Have you Started Your 2009 Budget? Here is a Template!
Its the end of the year and time to start your 2009 budget review! If you operate a business, a household or even your own finances the use of a budget and financial literacy is absolutely critical to achieving goals and controlling spending. The average american has never had any training on financial literacy and budgeting. In my quest to actually provide a tangible value to anyone who subscribes to this blog, I would love to share the budget template that I use in my personal and business endeavors. I always hear people ask if there is a template available.
This budget is simple and even someone who has never done this before can easily start planning for the year ahead! It is very important to review and revise you budget as you need to as least once every month. Before you know it you goals and and your finances will be in better order. Especially with families and businesses tightening up because of the current economic conditions you need to start planning. If you would like to review this template with me I would love to hear some feed back or connect with you personally!
Until Next time Here is to your success! Jason Wheeler 925-285-2172 | Come to a FREE Event | Subscribe To My Blog | How I Stay Successful |