Government Overhauling Financial Sector! Where Does it End?
How do you feel about a "Government Overhaul" of the Financial Industry? Do you find it alarming that Washington wants to give this kind of power to the FED? To push something like this through so fast seems reckless. Giving the the FED the power to meddle in private business affairs when it deems things to be in trouble goes against everything in the Bill of Rights. Not to mention the FED policies of the Greenspan era are what created this whole mess to begin with. What makes Washington think that they can clean it up?
Where will the Government intervention stop? How will this type of Government control change business and Bay Area Real Estate? If history is any kind of teacher, I'm afraid we are in for years of financial issues.
Until Next time Here is to your success! Jason Wheeler 866-833-7413 | Come to a FREE Bay Are Seminar |
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