Part Two: Tips to Save Time and Invest in More Real Estate
Say, No
Have you over scheduled yourself? Do you automatically say, yes? You need to practice saying no. You don’t have to give an excuse. If you must, then say, I already have another appointment at that time. The appointment can be with yourself. That is perfectly acceptable.
Put it DownThere are some things that will never be finished - cleaning, prospecting, organizing, etc. These are important tasks that are ongoing and beneficial, yet tedious. With these types of tasks you need to set aside weekly or daily time blocks to work on the tasks. Once the time limit is up, stop, and go on to the next thing on your schedule. Don’t fret because you finished in the middle of something. Remember, these tasks will always be with you and can be picked up and put down at any time. Don’t drive yourself crazy with these types of tasks.
Stop Doing the Same Thing
If something is not working in your schedule then stop doing it. Don’t keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. Adjust your activity until it works for your schedule and you. If after a few adjustments it doesn’t work, then STOP. It is that simple.
Life is hectic. Follow a few of the above time management tips and give yourself some breathing room. Also, don’t forget to give yourself a break when you let your time get away from you. Remember, every minute is a chance to pick yourself up and start all over again.
Until Next time Here is to your success! Jason Wheeler 866-833-7413 | Come to a FREE Bay Are Seminar |
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