Upcoming Real Estate Investment Seminars in CA Bay Area
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Do something new this week and come join us for one of our life changing events throughout the Bay Area. You will likely become a product of the people that you spend your time with!
Come spend time with several self made millionaires and successful Investors and Business owners at one or our events this week in the CA Bay Area.
These Workshops are normally valued at $100 per ticket however we have a few extra vouchers and would love for you to join us.
- Wed Evening Hilton Garden Inn Emeryville This is a powerful overview of our Real Estate Investment Solutions. We are exploding and looking for sharp people that deserve a better life. Come and learn how to create massive success! Business attire is strongly suggested. Arrive early to network 6:30-7 with entrepreneurs and investors of the community.
- Thursday Sheraton Hotel Sunnyvale ***VIP TRAINING WITH JEFF COMBS 5-6:30pm!!** Followed by a powerful overview of the our solutions in Real Estate Investing 7-8:30pm! Come prepared for continued success in 2009! We are exploding and looking for sharp people that deserve a better life. Come and learn how to create massive success with Real Estate Investing! Business attire is strongly suggested. Arrive early to network 4:30-5 before Training or 6:30-7 before the Briefing with entrepreneurs and investors of the community.
Until Next time Here is to your success! Jason Wheeler 866-833-7413 | Come to a FREE Bay Are Seminar |
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