It’s hard to invest your money when you eat it!
I see and meet all sorts of people in the course of my day. I recently have been mentoring a young investor. He inherited a large sum of money. He wants to invest it. I have admiration for this young man. At 24 years of age, Investing was far from my mind. Had I had inherited that much money. Carlos and Charlie’s in Cancun is the first thing that comes to mind. First thing I told him was “Don’t tell anyone”. The streets are quite mean right now. Flaunting money is not a bright idea. In fact it never is. He then suggested we met at one of the”in” sushi places for lunch. I love Sushi; I lived in Japan for a year. My comment to him was…. If we are going to eat your money how will you invest it? Now I was a little rough on him. I think the comment made a difference. The point to all this….. Money is a tool, inventory so to speak. It’s all about the numbers. I do analytical work for several Hedge Funds. There is no emotion there, just the numbers. To sum this up, you will have all the things you want when money becomes a tool and not the end all to what you do.