Randomness and Real Estate
Many of us fail to realize how random Real Estate really is. Real Estate is a random event industry. Much like the stock market, things and trends just emerge from nowhere. To historical students most of these events are part of age old cycles. The length and breadth always change. The cycles for the most part do not. I have been saying for a while. The next part of this cycle for real estate is the stock market and the banking system bending/breaking/snapping. There are many historical references to this, look at the downturns in 1929, 1974, 1979, 1983. We are somewhere in that ballpark. Things just happen! A lot of success in this industry is being in the right place at the right time. In regards to that, you have to be out playing. It’s hard to get lucky on the sidelines. To that extent, are you doing the same things you did before? If one is not happy with the results. Then one should deduce it’s time to try something else. I am constantly looking at trends within the market. Here is what I do when one is found, if the trend looks viable, with the assumption of a reasonable entry and chance of success. I go for it. I am doing that as I am writing this. This downturn has/is eating much bigger fish than me. I think my system works! So…. What does all this mean? Get out! Do something! Meet someone you have not met before. Try something new. What worked in 2002 thru 2006 is a moot point now. You have to see what works today. I farmed the 33931 market with a couple of agents. We looked at expired versus sold listings. Seeing these houses in person, it was clear as day, due to curb appeal and a few other factors, why those sold and the expired did not. Have you do this in the markets you play in? As always you get what you inspect, not what you expect! Every day there is a million dollars waiting for you! If you find it and go get it. Happy Hunting JT