Heraclitus and Real Estate cycles
I was doing some reading. I came upon a quote from Heraclitus. The quote really sumed up the market right now "out of life comes death and out of death life ,out of the young the old, and out of the old the young,out of sleep waking and out of waking sleep, the stream of creation and dissolution never stops." I can not think of a better mind set for the market right now. The market is in a state of flux. The other side of the cycle ( the seller's boom) is behind us and we are feeling the effects. This side of the cycle ( the buyers boom) is starting to happen. This is marked by the downward price trends. Dont sweat the small stuff. Its all part of an age old cycle. They even knew about it 500 BC! Heraclitus of Ephesus (Ancient Greek: ?ρ?κλειτος ? ?φ?σιος — H?rákleitos ho Ephésios, English Heraclitus the Ephesian) (ca. 535–475 BC) was a pre-Socratic Ionian philosopher, a native of Ephesus on the coast of Asia Minor. Carpe Diem, Illegitimae Non Carborundum!