Is it REALLY POSSIBLE To Find Deals In ANY Market?
A lot of people are hurting and struggling with how to find deals at the right price. They don't know where to go as there’s a lot of competition and limited supply. There's been a surge in the number of buyers over the last few years. The dynamic is changing a little bit, however, it’s still fairly competitive.

The Secrets To Finding Deals in ANY Market
Timing and Criteria
Timing is always key. Let’s talk about secrets. You got to be on point and take action. As soon as something comes on Zillow that fits my “buy box”, basically my criteria, I'm calling in, I'm getting on it. I'm reaching out to that listing agent and getting all the information I need to make a decision. If you want it, you have to look at a lot of deals. You say “no” more than you say “yes”.
Build Up Your Pipeline
As deals come, you look at them and decide if this does fit your criteria. If it is overpriced, I can still call the agent, if they are entertaining offers, provide my number and just let them know. Now I have a new contact and can follow up on the property. So you always want to be making offers and looking at a lot of deals to continuously build up your pipeline.
Lead Response Matrix
Whatever your marketing strategy is, continue to refine it. I have a cold caller that reaches out to people, we send text messages to about 500 people a day. We're going to start sending mails to our niche list and reviewing deals that come on the market. Those are our main three thrusts that we focus on in order to generate deals in our market. When you reach out and talk to people and they may not be someone that's looking to sell now, but that's why you gotta have your CRM and your lead response matrix.
You want to be able to follow up with people you want to have a list that you maintain. We want to reach out to them at least once a month. So when somebody decides to sell, they’ll remember they just talked to you as you stay top of mind. By constantly following up with them, and maintaining awareness, you let them know that you're still buying and that you can help them with whatever their challenge is. So, be prepared when the deal comes.
Be Prepared
Get ready for the deal, because the deals are coming. We know the deals come in where we're anticipating that the deals are going to be coming. So we need to be ready to strike when the opportunity presents itself to get the deal done. At the end of the day, success loves speed. You have to be able to take action and be ready to execute. It's all about preparing ourselves by practicing. When we are in the game, we can come through and deliver.
Take Action
I have another article about how right now is the best time to buy real estate. I think over the next couple of years there's going to be a lot of opportunities where you're gonna have assets on sale during a recession. Those who have the knowledge and know how to bring the money to the deals and be creative are going to create a lot of wealth over this next time period. I would love to hear your comments below. Start taking action and get those deals done!