Most IMPORTANT Lessons I Learned in Real Estate - I wish I knew...
Taking calculated risks - Not to fear mistakes
Some of those mistakes are made, but it comes with the territory. You don't make those mistakes again. That's one thing that I always tell people, “don't be afraid of making mistakes”. That's why you have a network.
Learning from others - Leveraging network
Listen to podcasts, go to seminars, and read books - to learn from other people's mistakes and not have to go down that same path. But there's gonna be mistakes, and that's part of it. The key thing is to learn from other people's mistakes and to avoid the situation that you could learn from, by not seeking out the knowledge. And I will say, we've been blessed, where's that we have never lost any money in real estate investing, all of our projects have been successful thanks to the good Lord.
Underwriting deals conservatively - Formulating a “Buy Box”
Being conservative in our approach with underwriting and having a tight “Buy Box” on what we look for is how we limit our risk. I think that's always an approach that people should take in understanding where they are from a risk perception perspective. I have some other content out there where I talked about the reasons why to invest in real estate and all those benefits. One of the biggest reasons why we do real estate is to build generational wealth. For those of you that are looking to build something, let's dig into those steps that you need in order to get started.
See my next blog.